Codesmine 上電視了!(免費頻道 77台) 😊

Daniel Sir 和 Clement Sir 為有線電視的免費頻道 77台錄製了一個 STEM 的兒童節目
[細路開電視], 逢星期三晚上6pm播出。
一連7集會首先介紹micro:bit ,小朋友可以透過我們的節目學會micro:bit 的基本知識呢! 如果要學更多,當然要報讀我們的課程啦 😊
錯過了節目也可以到以下網圵或(香港開電視)Apps 重溫
STEM 常規課程
STEM幫助學生啟發孩子各方面潛能, 培養孩子創新力
創造性的思考. 批判性思維.溝通與合作.自主學習.
3D 打印設計課程 (適合8-15歲)

手提電腦 (如有)
一個充滿創意的頭腦 :)

Course Overview
With using 3D software and 3D printers, students can understand 3D printing concepts, design and create 3D objects and graphics. Students can also use their creativity to design their own 3D printed nameplates and toys. This course is designed for children aged 8 - 16 years old. Through the practice on different exercises, students can easily create professions products and apply to daily life.
Learning objectives:
Understand the 3D printing process and concept
Learn to use the 3D printer
Learn to use the 3D printing software
Improve mathematics and logical thinking
Create their own 3D objects
1.5 Hours a week x 12 Lessons (across 3 months)
Class Size:
Max 6 students
Course Outline
Understand the concept of 3D printer
Learn the 3D printer operation skills
Learn to use 3D software
Understand the concept of 3D graphics
Learn 3D model design and drawing
Create 3D text effects
Basic 3D drawing skills
Design and draw their own 3D objects
