Codesmine is on TV! (77 free channels) 😊

Daniel Sir and Clement Sir recorded a STEM children’s program for the free-to-air channel 77 of the cable TV
[On the TV on a narrow road] , it airs every Wednesday night at 6pm.
The first 7 sessions in a row will introduce the micro:bit. Children can learn the basics of the micro:bit through our program! If you want to learn more, of course you have to enroll in our courses😊
If you miss the show, you can go to the following Wang圵 or (Hong Kong Open TV) Apps to review
STEM Courses
STEM helps students explore their potential Curriculum
Creative thinking.data analysis.logical deduction.problem-solving skills.
mechanical knowledge.all-round development
mbot Robotics Course (Aged 6 - 16)

What to bring:
A laptop with charger
A creative mindset :)
Course Overview
A friendly entry-level robot for every child. mbot is a easy-to-run robot kit for kids to get hands-on experience about graphical programming, electronics, robotics.
Learning objectives:
Learn robotics and mechanical design
Improve imagination with over standardized parts from Makeblock platform
Increase children creativity with enjoying the hands-on experience about programming, electronics and robotics
Recommend student or form a team to apply mbot competition
1.5 Hours a week x 12 Lessons (across 3 months)
Class Size:
Max 6 students
Course Outline
Assemble the mBot
Understand the components of mBot
Introduce to MakeBlock Editor
Programming the mBot motor and speed
Code a music robot
Controlling LED lights and Light sensors
Using Ultrasonic senor
Avoid barries
Line follower
Maze Solver