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  • Contact Us | Codesmine

    Contact Us Causeway Bay Centre: Rm H, 10/F, Causeway Tower, 16-22 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (MTR Causeway Bay Station Exit E) Lai Chi Kok Centre : Shop 63, 2/F, The Pacifica Tower, 9 Sham Shing Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon (MTR Lai Chi Kok Station Exit D1) Olympian Centre: Shop 36A & B, UG/F, Olympian City, Kowloon (MTR Olympian Station Exit A) Wong Chuk Hang Centre: 16/F, W50, 50 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong (MTR Wong Chuk Hang Station Exit A2) To Kwa Wan Centre: Shop 117-118, 1/F, 38 San Ma Tau Street, Grand Waterfront Plaza, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon Whampoa Centre: Shop UG02, 8 Laguna Verde Road, The Laguna Mall, Whampoa 郵寄地址 (Postal Address:) 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道489號銅鑼灣廣場一期22樓2202室 Telephone: +852 3466 2531 Whatsapp: +852 6445 0453 Email: Want to learn more about our courses and arrange free trial sessions? Feel free to call our team or use the contact form to leave a message here. Name* e-mail* phone* title* Branch school information* send Causeway Bay Centre Wong Chuk Hang Centre To Kwa Wan Address Lai Chi Kok Centre Olympian Centre Whampoa campus address

  • Courses - Scratch | Codesmine

    STEM Courses STEM helps students explore their potential Curriculum Creative analysis.logical deduction.problem-solving skills. mechanical knowledge.all-round developmen t Scratch 3.0 Coding Course (Aged 6 - 16) Course Overview A beginner course for children to learn programming. With Scratch 2.0, it allows children to create animations, games and interactive stories, all without a single line of code. Learning objectives: Apply Scratch programming to the creation of simple projects Design projects for both basic and advanced programmers Introduction to programming concepts: objects and attributes, sequence, repetition conditions and events End of term students will present their project to parents Duration: 1.5 Hours a week x 12 Lessons (across 3 months) Class Size: Max 6 students Course Outline Introduce to Scratch with programming Introduce types of Blocks and 2D coordinates Adding voice and music to the Sprite Learn variables, looping logic and condition statements Learn debugging Create animation in Scratch Understand 2D coordinates in Scratch Create Game using Scratch What to bring: A laptop with charger A Google Account A creative mindset :) Schedule FREE Trial Clas Enroll Class ** Contact Us if you would like to arrange private lesson

  • 過往比賽相集 | Hog Kong | Codesmine

    過往 Minecraft 比賽 C.Miner Minecraft 編程與建築比賽2021 [香港亞洲博覽館] 「C.Miner Minecraft 編程與建築比賽2021」已在12月11至12日於香港亞洲博覽館完滿結束!感激眾多學校、家長及同學鼎力參與。是次比賽盛況空前,多個項目均進行得熱火朝天,同日即場誕生了各組別的得獎參賽者,恭喜諸位羽翼初成的小小工程師。 Codesmine 至力打造「寓學於樂」的歡快學習環境。我們希望利用舉辦比賽,可以鼓勵同學主動探索編程技巧及創意設計。同時藉此機會讓他們一展所長、展演出日常中較難訓練的抗壓解難能力,建立兩代共螎的溝通;透過嘉許子女遊戲中的學習成就,令家長加深了解子女遊戲的禆益。 C.Miner 2021設有學界及公開組別。為發掘學生的多元潛能,賽事除了需要運用編程技能完成;設計的部分,我們更訂立了體育館為主題,充分發揮同學的想像及創造力。過程中參賽者們各自施展渾身解數,極速又詳細地向向評審員介紹自己的作品,令在場人士都嘆為觀止。 全港第四屆 Minecraft 創作大賽 2021 [Codesmine x CQF 合辦] 【全港第四屆Minecraft創作大賽】二十強決賽完滿落幕喇🎊 🥳恭喜各位得獎嘅小小建築師! 小小年紀無論係造船定係Coding都難佢哋唔到,實在太犀利啦!睇到佢地咁專注咁認真比賽😭真係好羨慕好想一齊參加啊,贏咗仲有獎狀、獎品同埋一年免費minecraft education帳號添! Minecraft 綠色莊園創作比賽 (Codesmine x U Maganize) 環保及綠色的主題下,於Minecraft: Education Edition指定的比賽介面建造綠色莊園 。 由 Codesmine 與《U Magazine》合辦嘅U Green Awards [您]想綠色生活選舉嚟到第11年,今年以「Act Green」為主題,呼籲大家付諸實行綠色生活。今年我哋就舉辦「Minecraft綠色莊園創作比賽」,讓小朋友在環保及綠色主題下建造綠色莊園,兼實踐STEAM嘅整合運用,令環保種子喺孩子們心中萌芽! 各位同學以環保及綠色為主題下,於「Minecraft綠色莊園創作比賽」中發揮了無限創意,建造了屬於自己的「綠色莊園」。比賽現已結束,並選出了10位同學取得優異獎,現在就來欣賞他們的作品!並希望同學們繼續「Act Green」付諸實行綠色生活。 第三屆 Minecraft 網上比賽 2020 因為疫情關係,第三屆的比賽改為網上舉行,參賽者在三個小時內完成比賽,並提交作品給大會評分,最後選出最佳的作品和編程項目冠亞季。 項目一: 小小建築師 冠軍: MO YIU TAK Matthew 亞軍: 李俊 (Lee Chun) 季軍: 徐靖鈞 項目二: 任務挑戰賽 冠軍: Kaylee Hui 亞軍: TSANG ETHAN CONOR 季軍: Moses Wong (黃樂知) 全港第一屆 Minecraft 電競比賽在數碼港舉行 (2019) [Codesmine x Microsfot] 第二屆 Minecraft 創作大賽 [與聖雅各福群會合辦比賽 2019] 決賽在聖雅各福群會灣仔總部舉行,超過40名參賽者在三個小時內完成指定的編程和建造題目,比賽十分刺激,每個參賽者實力相當,最終冠亞季軍以幾分相差分出勝負。 第一屆 Minecraft x Codesmine創作大賽 2018 Codesmine Academy 在暑期完之前舉辦第一屆全港Minecraft大賽,已於2018年8月26日圓滿結束,參賽的學生介乎6至14歲,切磋邏輯思考、創意及編程能力去完成比賽。是次比賽中,各同學也發揮不同創意,根據大會指定的題材,建造自己風格的建築物。也有編程比賽,參賽者需要編程去控制AI機械人完成指定的任務

  • Courses - 3D Pen | Codesmine

    STEM Courses STEM helps students explore their potential Curriculum Creative analysis.logical deduction.problem-solving skills. mechanical knowledge.all-round development t 3D Pen Course (Aged 6 - 16) Course Overview 3D Pen is a great tool as an illustrator to elaborate on many complex concepts. Students can learn a combination of design, art, craft, mathematics together in this course. Teachers will use these innovative 3D pen to draw 3D objects in the air to illustrate the concepts clearly to students. There is lot of funs for kids, adventure for teenagers and perfect learning tool for children. Learning objectives: Improve Three-dimensional, geometric, directional and logical thinking Problem solving and critical thinking exercise Mark Art and Craft with 3D pens Learn Architectural Drawing and Modelling Spark creativity and imagination with 3D design Duration: 1.5 Hours per lesson Class Size: Max 6 students Course Outline Learn the technique of using 3D Pen Learn to transform from 2D to 3D0 Use of 3D Pen in Sculpture Making and Fine Art Understand geometric concepts through shape and form construction Learn Maths with understand and illustrate many complex phenomenon of geometry Learn Physics with understanding balance, gravity Learn to create prototype and product design What to bring: No prior knowledge in 3D design/printing required A creative mindset :) Enroll Class

  • Term of Use | Codesmine

    Terms of Use Disclaimer Disclaimer All information disclosed and provided by Codesmine Academy Limited (“Codesmine Academy”, “we” or “our”) on our official website ) is for general information purposes only. We shall not be deemed responsible for inaccurate information , nor any damage or loss caused by information on this website. While we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. Through this website you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of Codesmine Academy. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them. Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, Codesmine Academy takes no responsibility and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control. Changes to Disclaimer We update our Disclaimer from time to time without prior notice. Therefore, we encourage you to check the Website occasionally to ensure that you are aware of the most recent terms. Copyright Statement Unless specified otherwise, we are the owner of the copyright of all content available on this website. All contents of this website, including text, graphics, photos, files and information shall be used for personal and non-commercial purposes only. Distributing, modifying or replicating any content of this website for public or commercial purposes in any manner without the written consent of Codesmine Academy Limited is strictly prohibited. Last update: 10th May, 2018

  • Teacher Training | Codesmine

    STEM Mentor Training We bring STEM-related learning experiences to schools, we include training: programming, robots, microcomputers, Minecraft Education, Virtual reality VR/AR, 3D Printer, aerial photography, etc. We provide all kinds of STEM courses to schools, covering robotics, coding, science experiment, creativity, design thinking, logical thinking and a lot more. We can also tailor-made our courses based on specific needs of schools and students. With the various funding from government and NGOs to schools, our team provide professional consultation services in helping schools to best utilize the funding. We assist and advise schools on every details from planning to execution, ensuring best experiences for students. One-off STEM Funding QEF Teachers Training STEM Room Design and Renovation Interdisciplinary STEM Projects STEM Experience/Fun Day For any inquiry, please contact us at: +852 3466 2531 or Codesmine 學校方案: STEM課程 Codesmine 設有教學總部及導師團隊,專為不同程度的中小學生,結合不同的 STEM 學習硬件/工具,開發課程及製作合適的教材,如人工智能(AI)、物聯網(IoT)、機械人、無人機等等。 更多詳情 STEM器材 Codesmine 一直致力推廣STEM教育及智能家居普及化,已為三百多間中小學及大專院校提供產品及服務,曾與多間大型及中小企業合作,並為多個社福機構提供協助與支援。 更多詳情 STEM活動 STEM 的短期活動能有助培育學校STEM氣氛,不少學校也於開學/試後活動/假期週舉辦不同的STEM課外活動。 我們的專業團隊提供不同形式的STEM Open Day/比賽/工作坊。 更多詳情 「 奇趣IT識多啲 」計劃 40萬元 政府將撥款逾2億元,推出一項名為「奇趣IT識多啲」計劃,在未來三個學年,向每間資助小學提供最高40萬元,推動小學舉辦課外活動,加強學生對資訊科技的興趣、認識及應用。 而 Codesmine Academy 亦響應政府政策,推出多種不同類型的STEM課程,以滿足不同學校及機構的需要。 STEM到校課程 | 小學STEM | STEM比賽 提供STEM到校課程,為小學STEM提供專業導師及教材,曾為多間小學於STEM比賽獲取佳績 。 歡迎向我們查詢 +852 3466 2531 或

  • C.Miner Schools Registration | Codesmine

    Application Period 1 SEP - 12 NOV 2021 Register Now! School Group C.Miner Competition 2021 Build & Code Smart Stadium 比賽詳情 School Group 目的 加強教師及中、小學生對AI及機器學習的認識 培養學生對身心健康課題的關注,並增進相關知識 鼓勵學生發揮創意,應用所學的編程技巧設計作品 透過分享得獎作品,讓公眾了解AI對改善人類健康及生活質素的可能性 組別 小學組(小一至小六)* - Minecraft 教育版 中學組(中一至中六)* - Minecraft 教育版 (*以2021/22學年計) 參賽規則 每間學校只能派出一隊伍參賽,每隊需由2至4名學生組成。 參賽 組別須以編程工具「Minecraft教育版」展現其成品。 每隊只能於每組別遞交一份作品。 參賽作品必須為原創以及未曾在其他場合使用。作品一經遞交,表示參加者保證作品並無包含任何第三方之版權內容,及沒有侵害他人的知識產權。 作品一經遞交,表示參加者已閱讀並同意比賽的所有規則及條款。 獲獎作品之版權屬於主辦機構。 主辦機構保留權利更改、取消活動內容及細則,而毋須作另行通知。 如有任何爭議,主辦機構保留最終決定權。 日程 9月下旬 比賽前講座 (小學組) 10月上旬 比賽前講座 (中學組) 10月上旬至11 月下旬 備戰工作坊 Minecraft Education 工作坊(初階及進階) 11月21日 截止報名 11月27日下午6時 截止遞交參賽作品 11月30日 公佈入圍名單 12月11日 總決賽 (亞洲博覽館) 公佈結果 頒獎禮 學校組報名

  • Courses - MobileApp | Codesmine

    STEM Courses STEM helps students explore their potential Curriculum Creative analysis.logical deduction.problem-solving skills. mechanical knowledge.all-round development Mobile App Design Course (Aged 6 - 16) Course Overview Using App Inventor to develop applications for Android devices. Students do not require to have prior experience, the tool functions with a drag-and-drop interface that emphasizes sequencing. Learning objectives: Introduction to mobile apps development Learn how to design an app’s user interface with the App Inventor Designer Create own apps using block based programming and understand the line of codes behind Understand Event-driven programming, using using a conditional (if) decision block and arithmetic operations in codes End of term students will present their project to parents Duration: 1.5 Hours a week x 12 Lessons (across 3 months) Class Size: Max 6 students Course Outline Introduce to Scratch with programming Introduce types of Blocks and 2D coordinates Adding voice and music to the Sprite Learn variables, looping logic and condition statements Learn debugging Create animation in Scratch Understand 2D coordinates in Scratch Create Game using Scratch What to bring: A laptop with charger A Google Account A smartphone A creative mindset :) Schedule FREE Trial Clas Enroll Class ** Contact Us if you would like to arrange private lesson

  • Courses - Python | Codesmine

    STEM Courses STEM helps students explore their potential Curriculum Creative analysis.logical deduction.problem-solving skills. mechanical knowledge.all-round development Python Programming Course (Aged 12 - 16) Course Overview The Python Programming training course is for those who want to develop applications using Python. Python is a versatile and powerful programming language used in various fields, for examples, data science, finance, GUI and game development, and is supported by thousands of third party libraries. Learning objectives: Learn to use Python professionally Build a complete understanding of Python from the ground up Create games with Python Learn to use Object Oriented Programming Understand basic app and game design Develop logical and organization skills through programming Understand Python with AI and Big Data Duration: 1.5 Hours a week x 12 Lessons Class Size: Max 6 students Course Outline Introduction to basic programming Utilize variables and lists Using loops for repetition Conditional logic Reuse codes by functions Build graphic user interface Implement human to computer interaction Idea of object oriented programming What to bring: A laptop with charger A creative mindset :) Schedule FREE Trial Clas Enroll Class ** Contact Us if you would like to arrange private lesson

  • Courses - Donut Maker Box | Codesmine

    STEM Courses STEM helps students explore their potential Curriculum Creative analysis.logical deduction.problem-solving skills. mechanical knowledge.all-round developmen t Donut Maker Box Parent Child Class (Aged 3-6) Course Overview We expose to sunlight every day. Moreover, do you know that sunlight not just keep us warm, but also can generate electricity? Renewable energy is the future trend. This course helps students tolearn how to use solar power to generate electricity and understand the principles of power generation. In addition, through hands-on experiments with instructors, students can enhance their problem-solving skill,scientific exploration and STEM creativity. Each student will be given a box of Donut Maker Box – Solar Energy to take home and revisit this topic later. Learning objectives: Assist children develop their scientific potential Assist children develop their problem-solving skills Assist children develop their creative thinking Training children's coordination skills Introduce the nature to our children Course Outline Introduction to Solar Energy Understand the principle of power generation Build solar experimental toys by yourself Understand the function of Sun Acquire Knowledge of natural environment Understand renewable energy What to bring: A pair of little hands A creative mindset :) Topic: Donut Maker Box- Solar Energy Duration: 45 min Date: 26/11 (SAT) Time slot: 2-2.45pm / 3-3.45pm Location: DPARK L1 Donut Village Class Size: Max 6 paris (Children & Parents) Price: HKD $250 Enroll Now

  • Courses - AI (Chinese) | Codesmine

    STEM Courses STEM helps students explore their potential Curriculum Creative analysis.logical deduction.problem-solving skills. mechanical knowledge.all-round development A.I. Programming Course (Aged 8-16) Course Overview From the computer information age, it has entered the "fourth-generation industrial revolution" with artificial intelligence (A.I.) as the mainstream. The new form of STEM education development must move towards A.I. to help students be well equipped. This course aims to give them a basic and deep understanding of artificial intelligence through objects and examples that can be touched and understood in daily life, thereby inspiring their interest in technology. Through A.I. programming skills, control intelligent robots to realize A.I. voice and image recognition. Learning Objectives: Understand the operation of artificial intelligence Improve students' understanding of the basic concepts of artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing Inspire students to observe the application of technology in daily life Combining the knowledge you have learned, introduce simple technology concepts and smart cities Students are required to think about future development before integrating the programming knowledge and technological concepts they have learned Let students have an enlightenment effect on science and technology learning The course will also encourage students to use different devices and programming to think about or design new and feasible inventions After completing a semester, the children will show the knowledge they learned during the semester to the parents to watch Class Duration: 1.5 hours a week x 12 lessons Class Size: Max 6 students Course Outline Understand the theory, trend, and practice of A.I. (artificial intelligence) Categories of Machine Learning The importance of deep learning technology Learn A.I. programming skills How to recognize speech and convert it into text Principle of Voice Control Image composition (Digital Images) Feature vector Principles of Image Discrimination Cooperate with other devices or sensor applications Build a simulated smart home What to bring: a laptop (optional) a creative mind :) Schedule Free Trial Class Enroll Class ** ** Contact Us if you would like to arrange private lesson

  • Kids STEM Coding Courses | Hong Kong | CodesMine

    Terms and conditions Organiser: 1. This competition is organized by Codesmine Academy. Entry matters: 2. Participants who withdraw from the competition under any circumstances will not be refunded for the donations and registration fees paid. 3. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the payment procedure is completed in the specified way within the specified time limit. The conference will not separately remind applicants to pay, postpone payment or change payment by other methods. If the payment procedure is not completed within the specified time limit, the applicant shall be deemed to have waived his registration qualifications. Except as mentioned below, the registration fee will not be refunded or refunded. The registration procedures will not be processed until the conference receives the designated registration fee. 4. The prizes given by the organizer are subject to the relevant terms and rules, and the winners shall not object. Winners are not allowed to transfer their qualifications, and all prizes cannot be exchanged for cash or other products or services and transfer. 5. If participants fail to attend the finals for any reason, the organizer reserves the right to cancel their qualifications and reserve the final right to choose the finalists. 6. Each group of the competition will have a champion, a second runner-up, and a third runner-up (1 for each). The selection process and criteria are determined by the organizer. The results of the competition will be determined by the jury. personal information: 7. The contestant authorizes the organizer to collect and process the personal data provided by it. The organizer will try its best to ensure the safety of all personal data with reasonable techniques and procedures, and ensure that the policies and practices of collecting, using, retaining, transferring and accessing personal data under any circumstances comply with legal requirements. 8. The winners agree to the organizer to announce their names for exhibition, publicity and promotion purposes. something else: 9. Once the registration form is submitted, it means that you fully agree and abide by the above entry rules. 10. The organizer reserves the right to decide to cancel, modify or suspend this competition without prior notice. 11. The organizer reserves the right to change the rules and other arrangements of the competition without prior notice or explanation. 12. Employees of the organizer and their family members are not allowed to participate in the competition for fairness.

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Center Address:

荔枝角分校 (Lai Chi Kok Centre):


Shop 63, 2/F, The Pacifica Tower, ​9 Sham Shing Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon

銅鑼灣分校  (Causeway Bay Centre):

Rm H, 10/F, Causeway Tower, 16-22 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

奧海城分校 (Olympian Centre):

九龍奧海城一期UG層36A & B室

Shop 36A&B, UG/F, Olympian City, Kowloon


黃竹坑分校 (Wong Chuk Hang Centre):

香港黃竹坑道50號, W50, 16樓全層

16/F, W50, 50 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong

土瓜灣 分校 (To Kwa Wan Centre):


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