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STEM Courses

STEM helps students explore their potential Curriculum
Creative analysis.logical deduction.problem-solving skills.
mechanical knowledge.all-round development

Smart Home Coding Course (Aged 8 - 16)​


Course Overview

This course uses mBot / micro:bit / Arduino with different sensors to create home appliance control, lighting control, indoor and outdoor remote control, timing control, etc. For example, build an auto lighting device which can detect human movement with infrared sensor, this automatic lighting system that is widely installed on stairs or toilets in daily life. This course helps students to understand the hardware and programming knowledge, and to design smart home / city products that can be used in real life.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the concept of smart home / city

  • Inspire students to observe the application of technology in daily life

  • Inspire students to understand the current technological developments

  • Guide students to design smart home / city applications

  • Understand the concept of smart home / city

  • Inspire students to observe the application of technology in daily life

  • Inspire students to understand the current technological developments

  • Guide students to design smart home / city applications


1.5 Hours a week x 12 Lessons (across 3 months)

Class Size:

Max 6 students

Course Outline

  • Understand the theory of smart home design

  • Learn to design smart home controls

  • Learning programming skills with different sensors

  • Electronic circuit design

  • Create smart home / city project

  • Create projects with mBot / micro:bit / Arduino  sensor applications

  • Join Smart Home Application Competition

What to bring:
  • A laptop with charger

  • ​A creative mindset :)

** Contact Us if you would like to arrange private lesson
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